Programmes and Quotes that Inspire the MIROIR Foundation

Tastefully cheeky, the "2025 Calendar Girls" calendar features six phenomenal, strong, and beautiful women all aged between 62-82.

Joy (one of the beautiful “2025 Calendar Girls” models) created this calendar to raise money for the MIROIR Foundation. Joy's hope is also to inspire people to become active: "at any age, we can turn back our bodies clock!"

All Proceeds from the sale of this calendar will go to the MIROIR Foundation.

The Kukkia Kaikille programme at FloweRescue in Finland brings joy and community to older adults through workshops on floral arrangements. They also use rescued flowers that would otherwise be wasted: It’s an accessible way to make a big difference!

“The pleasure of flowers and a beautiful homemade bouquet lasted almost a week at home last time. Thank you!”

— Participant in Kukkia Kaikille from Hertsikanranta

“I became calm and in a good mood. It was nice to work together and see others. Social interaction is very important to me.”

— Participant in Kukkia Kaikille from the Kinapori Senior Center

Mirela Homesharing represents an innovative, collaborative and age-friendly model of living for seniors who wish to preserve their autonomy and age independently at home. The organization facilitates the matching process from start to finish and continues to support participants even after the match is completed, to foster the creation of useful and inclusive relationships between different generations and cultures, to break social isolation and reduce loneliness, and to flourish together for the well-being of the entire community.

For more information visit the website :

“I couldn’t be happier to share a life experience like this with someone as supportive and open-minded. I always tell others not to be afraid to take the step towards this way of living, because to try it is to adopt it. There’s so much to learn from each other.”

— Claire, a 90 year-old participant

“Thanks to Mirela my mother was able to keep her home and her autonomy. I’m convinced about the positive benefits this model has to offer on both the mental and social health of an aging person.”

— Carole, family member